Tuesday 8 February 2011

Fossil hunters uncover complete 252m year-old underwater world

Fossil hunters have uncovered the remains of an ancient marine ecosystem that arose in the aftermath of the most devastating mass extinction in Earth's history.

The spectacular haul of 20,000 fossils from a hillside in southwestern China represents the first discovery of a complete ecosystem which bounced back after life was nearly wiped off the face of the planet 252m years ago.

The beautifully preserved remains include molluscs, sea urchins and arthropods, alongside much larger animals that occupied the top of the food chain, such as carnivorous fish and the first icthyosaurs, predatory marine reptiles that grew to four metres long.

Among the remnants are rare fragments of land life that survived the same period, including part of a conifer plant and the tooth of an archosaur reptile.

The fossils were excavated from rocks that formed when ocean sediments settled out and solidified many millions of years ago in what is now Luoping county in the Yunnan Province of China.

The Earth has witnessed several mass extinctions in its 4.5bn year history, but the event that struck at the end of the Permian was unequaled in scale. Some 96% of marine species and 70% of land vertebrates were lost in what has been called "the great dying".

What caused such global havoc is still open to debate, but Michael Benton, a paleontologist at Bristol University who led the latest research, said evidence points to prolonged and violent eruptions from the Siberian traps, a huge region of volcanic rock. In this scenario, mass eruptions triggered environmental catastrophe by belching an overwhelming quantity of gas into the atmosphere for half a million years.

"The main follow on was a flash warming of the Earth. That caused stagnation in the oceans, as normal circulation shut down. On land, the consequence of all the carbon dioxide and other gases appears to have been massive acid rain that killed the forests and stripped the landscape bare," Benton said. "This was the greatest of all mass extinctions, the time when life was most nearly completely wiped out."

What life survived became the starting point for a recovery that played out over the next ten million years. Some of these organisms, known as "disaster species" clung on through sheer hardiness, somehow coping with the harsh conditions of scarce food, wild variations in temperature and little oxygen in the oceans.

By studying the fossils, Benton and his colleagues at the Chengdu Institute of Geology and Mineral Resources and the University of Western Australia, hope to piece together how life can come back from the brink. "The recovery from mass extinction touches on current concerns about biodiversity and conservation. Why do certain species go extinct? Which species come back? How do you rebuild an ecosystem and how long does it take?" said Benton. The study appears in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B.

The Luoping fossils show that many small organisms at the bottom of the food chain came back within two to three million years. Once their populations stabilised, other creatures that could feed on them recovered, including molluscs and shellfish. The familiar spiralled ammonites bounced back surprisingly fast. Only later did the larger predators reappear in the oceans.

The loss of so many species at the end of the Permian gave new creatures the chance to take their place. Before the mass extinction, the top ocean predators were primitive sharks. Some survived and recovered, but they were joined by the first predatory icthyosaurs. "Part of it is a rebuilding of the ecosystem from the grim survivors, but there are also opportunities for new groups. There were essentially no marine reptiles before the extinction, but this gave them a way in," said Benton.

Paleontologists have unearthed other fossils that give a glimpse of life coming back from the Permian extinction, but the extensive remains at Luoping are unique in having the rich biodiversity of a fully functioning ecosystem, from the lowliest plankton to carnivorous apex predators.
source: http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/

Fossil Mall Fossils for Sale

There is grandeur in this view of life, with its several powers, having been originally breathed into a few forms or into one; and that, whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being evolved. - Charles Darwin's last words in "Origin of Species by means of natural selection" - circa 1859

Over the past 3 1/2 billion years of geologic time since life appeared on earth, some 4 trillion species of organisms may have existed, most microscopic. Descent with modification, or evolution, resulted in many forms most wonderful and beautiful, as Darwin stated. Some of these faded away, like the extinct trilobites, others merely diminished, like the still extant crinoids, and still many others perished in one of many major extinctions. A magnificent fossil record has been left behind to inspire wonder. From stromatolites created by ancient bacteria, to ammonites, fossil fish, fossil insects, crinoids, fossil mammals and dinosaurs, Fossils of mysterious creatures and fossil amber, the fossil dealers at fossil mall.com strive to match the amazing diversity of this "life once animated". Many of the fossils for sale are rare or exotic fossils worthy of display in any museum.

How do we know what dinosaurs looked like?

How do we know what dinosaurs looked like? Or our ape-like ancestors? Well, as Tim and Moby will show you in this BrainPOP movie, the answer lies in the fossil record! BrainPOP’s dynamic duo will teach you the difference between a body fossil, which you might find in a tar pit, and a trace fossil, which might be as simple as a set of footprints. You’ll find out how these amazing relics of the distant past are formed, and why they’re so rare. You’ll also learn how the forces of time, heat, and pressure can turn trees into coal! And finally, you’ll see how careful examination of the fossil record can teach us a great deal about the history of our planet. No time for love.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Useful Fossils

A fossil is the remains of an animal or plant that lived long ago. Most fossils are buried in rocks and are found when they are dug up. Certain fossils have become useful to us in that they can provide an assortment of everyday uses to help in our survival.
Coal is probably one of our most important fuels, this type of rock comes from fossilized trees and plants that grew during the Carboniferous period. Vast swamp forests grew in low lying areas like mud flats. Much of the land surface slowly sank and the trees were buried beneath mud and sand in the sea water that flooded the forests. The trees then became compressed by the weight of the sediment above them, which turned into peat. When the sea receded more forests grew, and often they were flooded again and yet more peat was formed. Gradually the peat hardened and turned to coal. Several seams of coal are often found in such rocks and imprints of stems, leaves and bark may sometimes be seen on the flat surface of coal or on the shale, which is found nearby.
Oil is formed from the remains of millions of tiny sea creatures whose remains fell to the sea bed and were covered with silt. Gradually layers of sediment built up and compressed these decaying animals, and eventually over millions of years, they were changed into oil. Deposits of natural gas formed from these decaying organisms, and are often found above oil reserves.
Limestone and chalk are formed almost entirely from the fossil remains of coral, shells and skeletons of tiny creatures. Many of these rocks were formed during the Cretaceous period. Like many other sedimentary rocks, for example sandstone, limestone is used in building. It is also used in cement manufacture, and the lime extracted, is used in the fertilizer and chemical industries.
Fossils are sometimes found in marble which is metamorphosed limestone. The fossils are unrecognizable as they have been distorted by the heat and pressure that changed the surrounding rock.
Amber is fossilized resin and jet is a fossil formed of coal, both are sometimes used to make jewelry, and insects fossilized in amber are highly prized both as fossils and for their beauty.
So as our knowledge has grown, fossils have become more useful to us than just giving experts answers to our planets past, but has also become a very important part towards helping in our survival.
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Fossils Dinosaur Bones - Humans Lived With Jurassic Dinosaurs?

Have dinosaurs lived with humans?
In America, most of us are told that human fossils, dinosaur bones and the fossil evidence do not indicate that they have lived at the same time. As early as kindergarten or first grade, we are told that these Jurassic dinosaurs lived millions of years before humans.
Is this idea backed up by science?
Is it possible that dinosaurs actually lived with humans?
Is it possible that dinosaurs have lived in our world just decades ago?
Is it even possible that there are even some alive today?
Let's take a look at what science can tell us.
The earth has layers. These layers make up what is known as 'the geological column'. This column is supposed to show the order in which evolution took place. So the first layers (referred to as strata) are supposed to have the earliest forms of life. These would be in the lowest layer of earth.. Then as we come closer to the surface of the earth we find other layers such as Permian, Jurrassic and Cretaceous. These include dinosaurs.
As we come even closer to the surface we find the most 'recent' layers, including the last one where 'humans evolved'. (This scenario is based solely on the idea of evolution.)
The theory of evolution has been described to us this way since the elementary years.
The geological column does give a good idea of the order of evolution according to the theory of evolution.
Does the scientific evidence support the fact that dinosaurs and humans have lived together?
The only thing that needs to be done is to find fossils of humans (or artifacts) in the same layers (strata) that dinosaurs have been discovered in. (A great book that illustrates this point is Against All Odds, by Carl E. Baugh.) This would certainly give good credence to the idea that both have existed on earth at the same time.
The greatest examples of dinosaurs and humans living together are found in the Paluxy River area around Glen Rose, Texas. This area is well known for its fossil footprints of dinosaurs. Hundreds of these footprints have been found in this area over the last number of decades. These fossils have been discovered in the creataceous layer (a layer where dinosaur fossils are found). This layer is above the Jurassic and Triassic strata.
A few years ago a number of human footprints were found in the same layer as the dinosaur footprints. A few had even crossed paths. This idea that human fossil footprints crossed dinosaur footprints was sharply attacked by scientists (mainly evolutionists).
Human footprints were extracted from the earth and tested. Scientists took one of these and sliced it and examined it. It was also examined by a number of foot doctors (podiatrists). Because humans are the only creatures to make footprints in a specific way (both shape and preesure points), this fossil was determined to be completely human by the scores of scientists and doctors that had examined it.
Evolutionists, however, determined that they 'must be carvings' and so they were never accepted as being genuine. (For them to admit that they were actually human would show that the theory is no longer possible). Although literally tons of rock had been removed, in one instance, to reveal more human footprints, most evolutionists have completely rejected the idea that these footprints could possibly be human. More than a dozen of these footprints were discovered in one 'path' of these footprints.
These human footprints did cross dinosaur tracks. To read the rest of this special report, click on the link below.
Next: Learn much more of the facts that show that fossils, dinosaur bones and scientific give evidence that dinosaurs and humans lived together. Learn much more at evolutionguy.com

Finding Fossils To Buy

Fossils have become hot property these days, with it being considered cool within some circles to use fossils as a decoration through out your home or even your office.
But where do these people get their fossils from? Are there places that have fossils to buy? I mean obviously these people are not just going into a field and digging until the find a fossil that they like and then collect them. They buy them of course.
Gem and mineral shows can be found all over the world and I bet you can find one atleast somewhere in the world every single day - that is how popular not only rocks and gems are becoming but also fossils. Because these shows used to just feature gems and minerals as their name suggests but fossils have become big business at the gem and mineral shows recently and everyone is looking to buy a fossil.
At first it was just isolated bones and teeth that the rock experts found while prospecting, but then as the money got bigger the fossils did also. Now it is not uncommon to have fossils to buy for thousands if not millions of dollars. so whether you are looking to buy a dinosaur tooth, a collector looking to spend millions on a full dinosaur or some where in between, fossils are great investments. I mean think about it - there cannot be any more than are already in the world. Why don't you look for a fossil to buy today?
Want to know where I look to find fossils at a great price? [http://www.fossilsforsale.info]