Thursday 3 February 2011

Fossils Dinosaur Bones - Humans Lived With Jurassic Dinosaurs?

Have dinosaurs lived with humans?
In America, most of us are told that human fossils, dinosaur bones and the fossil evidence do not indicate that they have lived at the same time. As early as kindergarten or first grade, we are told that these Jurassic dinosaurs lived millions of years before humans.
Is this idea backed up by science?
Is it possible that dinosaurs actually lived with humans?
Is it possible that dinosaurs have lived in our world just decades ago?
Is it even possible that there are even some alive today?
Let's take a look at what science can tell us.
The earth has layers. These layers make up what is known as 'the geological column'. This column is supposed to show the order in which evolution took place. So the first layers (referred to as strata) are supposed to have the earliest forms of life. These would be in the lowest layer of earth.. Then as we come closer to the surface of the earth we find other layers such as Permian, Jurrassic and Cretaceous. These include dinosaurs.
As we come even closer to the surface we find the most 'recent' layers, including the last one where 'humans evolved'. (This scenario is based solely on the idea of evolution.)
The theory of evolution has been described to us this way since the elementary years.
The geological column does give a good idea of the order of evolution according to the theory of evolution.
Does the scientific evidence support the fact that dinosaurs and humans have lived together?
The only thing that needs to be done is to find fossils of humans (or artifacts) in the same layers (strata) that dinosaurs have been discovered in. (A great book that illustrates this point is Against All Odds, by Carl E. Baugh.) This would certainly give good credence to the idea that both have existed on earth at the same time.
The greatest examples of dinosaurs and humans living together are found in the Paluxy River area around Glen Rose, Texas. This area is well known for its fossil footprints of dinosaurs. Hundreds of these footprints have been found in this area over the last number of decades. These fossils have been discovered in the creataceous layer (a layer where dinosaur fossils are found). This layer is above the Jurassic and Triassic strata.
A few years ago a number of human footprints were found in the same layer as the dinosaur footprints. A few had even crossed paths. This idea that human fossil footprints crossed dinosaur footprints was sharply attacked by scientists (mainly evolutionists).
Human footprints were extracted from the earth and tested. Scientists took one of these and sliced it and examined it. It was also examined by a number of foot doctors (podiatrists). Because humans are the only creatures to make footprints in a specific way (both shape and preesure points), this fossil was determined to be completely human by the scores of scientists and doctors that had examined it.
Evolutionists, however, determined that they 'must be carvings' and so they were never accepted as being genuine. (For them to admit that they were actually human would show that the theory is no longer possible). Although literally tons of rock had been removed, in one instance, to reveal more human footprints, most evolutionists have completely rejected the idea that these footprints could possibly be human. More than a dozen of these footprints were discovered in one 'path' of these footprints.
These human footprints did cross dinosaur tracks. To read the rest of this special report, click on the link below.
Next: Learn much more of the facts that show that fossils, dinosaur bones and scientific give evidence that dinosaurs and humans lived together. Learn much more at

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