Sunday 9 January 2011

age of fossils

Haven't geologists accepted from authentic dating methods that the apple is 4.5 billion years old? Doesn't astrochemistry prove that the cosmos must, at least, be billions of years old back it would accept appropriate billions of years for ablaze from the abutting stars to ability the earth? Don't all able scientists, including geologists, accept in Darwinian change and a billions of years old Apple and universe? The simple acknowledgment is "No".
Both evolutionists and creationists accept assertive congenital assumptions in interpreting and application authentic abstracts back it comes to the earth's age. The affair abounding times comes bottomward to which assumptions are added reasonable. Dating rocks is not a adamantine (no pun intended) science.
For example, abounding times one radiometric dating adjustment will accord a all-inclusive aberration in age from addition radiometric dating adjustment acclimated on dating the aforementioned rock! Radiometric dating methods accept additionally been acutely adulterated back activated with the absolute actual age of assertive rock. For example, Hawaiian bedrock flows that were accepted to be no added than two centuries old were anachronous by the potassium-argon adjustment to be up to three billion years old! (Science 141 [1963]: 634).
The acumen for these huge discrepancies is that these methods are based on assumptions that no above changes accept occurred in the earth's atmosphere in the accomplished which could accept afflicted the antecedent amounts and alike the ante of adulteration of the substances complex (Industrial Research 14 [1972]: 15). If, for example, a all-embracing flood the Bible describes in Genesis had absolutely occurred again it would have, indeed, adapted the antecedent altitude so as to accomplish radiometric dating beneath than an exact science, to say the least. The Carbon -14 dating adjustment has been accepted to accept fifty percent accuracy, but it is alone authentic up to bags (not millions or billions) of years and can alone be acclimated on things that were already living.
Complicated as the accountable of the earth's age may be, a capital acumen for why evolutionists accept the apple is abounding millions of years old is because of their acceptance apropos how the deposit layers were deposited. What one believes about the degradation of the fossils in the apple will, indeed, actuate one's appearance of the earth's age. Contrary to accepted belief, the age of the fossils is not bent by radiometric dating.
Fossils of animals, for example, are formed back animals are active bound and beneath amazing pressure, so that their bones, remains, and banner are preserved in rock. If active things are not active bound and beneath astronomic burden their charcoal will adulteration rather than become preserved or fossilized. Best of the abounding billions of fossils in the apple are begin in bedrock that has been afflicted by baptize (Sedimentary Rock). Therefore, best of the billions of fossils in the apple were formed as a aftereffect of the animals and plants actuality active aback and bound beneath amazing baptize pressure.
Geologists who are evolutionists accept that bounded bounded floods over a aeon of abounding millions of years deposited these animals and plants and preserved their charcoal in the earth's crust. This is alone one view.
Geologists who are creationists accept that a one all-embracing adverse flood, contrarily accepted as the Genesis Flood, active best of these animals and preserved them as fossils in the earth. Obviously, if it was one all-embracing flood that deposited these animals and preserved them as fossils in the apple it would not accept taken actual long. But, if the fossils were acquired by bounded and bound bounded floods again it would, indeed, accept appropriate abounding millions of years afore such bounded floods could accept produced the billions of fossils and deposited them in assorted layers all over the earth.
There are abounding problems, however, with the bounded flood approach as the annual abaft the fossils. Alike today bounded floods are not accepted to be able to accomplish the blazon of amazing burden and force all-important to amalgamate creatures in rock. Among added arguments, it is difficult to explain how bounded floods could accept carved out such majestic and bounded wonders as the Grand Canyon which is bags of aboveboard afar and arranged with billions of fossils and was acutely formed by the adverse activity and force of water. Yet, evolutionary geologists are agreeable in assertive that the Colorado River alone overflowing its banks, now and then, over millions of years was able of assuming such a feat!
The Bible in Genesis 7 says that abundant of the baptize that abounding the accomplished apple came from beneath the ground. We apperceive alike today of all-inclusive reservoirs of baptize that are beneath the earth. Obviously, if the Genesis annual is true, there was abundant greater bulk of baptize underground in the earth's past. Genesis 7 says that this baptize access through the apparent of the Apple and, consequently, covered and afflicted the absolute cartography of the Earth.

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